To cancel your TapeACall subscription, follow the steps below:
If you use iOS:
- Open Subscriptions on your mobile device.
- Tap the subscription that you want to cancel.
- Tap Cancel Subscription or Cancel Free Trial. If you don’t see Cancel, the subscription is already canceled and won't renew.
If you're unable to cancel following the steps provided above, you can also cancel from a different device by following the instructions found in this article.
If you use Android:
- Open the Google Play app
- At the top right, tap the profile icon
- Tap Payments & subscriptions > Subscriptions > Select the app
- Tap Cancel subscription
- Follow the instructions
If you subscribed through the website, here are the steps to unsubscribe:
- Go to the website, and make sure you're logged into your account
- Go to the Subscription tab
- Click Cancel Subscription
⚠️ If you were charged for a subscription and would like to ask for a refund, you're welcome to visit this article to learn how to request one.
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